winter Olympics and sinus infections
The practice of sport is a human right. Every individual must have the possibility of practicing sport, without discrimination of any kind and in the Olympic spirit, which requires mutual understanding with a spirit of friendship, solidarity and fair play." –Olympic Charter
This Olympics in Sochi are gonna be interesting. #1 cause of Snowboarding and my love of the SSX video game series. They have taken two of those elements from that game and made it an ACTUAL Olympic sport.
Slopestyle and Snowboard Cross
Also my 4 year obsession with Curling will happen again.... a sport played with brooms and a big stone is CAPTIVATING to me kinda like dressage was in the summer Olympics.
This week i have been downed by a sinus infection that just leap on me and attacked me without mercy. I think it was all the kids at the Tae Kwon Do. They are nothing but harbingers of disease. I did enjoy it though and will go back next week everyday for my final free week. If they give me a good price i'll do it 2-3 times a week. They do a lot of ab work as well as the kicks that you need to learn. I can see how it will lean me up. I just can't go while i feel like crap which sucks cause i used to go to derby sick and sweat out the crap funk. I'm honestly not even sure how i accomplished that as ugh as I have felt this week. Maybe i'm just getting old and wise about listening to my body. I have a fight to go to tomorrow so i need to be set by then... so if i have to miss out on tae kwon do.... i just gotta do it. If it's nice tomorrow i'll do a light run and clean out my back yard. I'm tired of letting this sickness rule me. I can only say that cause i'm feeling 100% better than i did yesterday.
This Olympics in Sochi are gonna be interesting. #1 cause of Snowboarding and my love of the SSX video game series. They have taken two of those elements from that game and made it an ACTUAL Olympic sport.
Slopestyle and Snowboard Cross
Also my 4 year obsession with Curling will happen again.... a sport played with brooms and a big stone is CAPTIVATING to me kinda like dressage was in the summer Olympics.
This week i have been downed by a sinus infection that just leap on me and attacked me without mercy. I think it was all the kids at the Tae Kwon Do. They are nothing but harbingers of disease. I did enjoy it though and will go back next week everyday for my final free week. If they give me a good price i'll do it 2-3 times a week. They do a lot of ab work as well as the kicks that you need to learn. I can see how it will lean me up. I just can't go while i feel like crap which sucks cause i used to go to derby sick and sweat out the crap funk. I'm honestly not even sure how i accomplished that as ugh as I have felt this week. Maybe i'm just getting old and wise about listening to my body. I have a fight to go to tomorrow so i need to be set by then... so if i have to miss out on tae kwon do.... i just gotta do it. If it's nice tomorrow i'll do a light run and clean out my back yard. I'm tired of letting this sickness rule me. I can only say that cause i'm feeling 100% better than i did yesterday.
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