new goals for the end of the year

So I finally got the results.  I was last, dead last in my group.  I knew i was gonna be between 10-12 after i saw the other girls.  While i looked great and for any other person i was fit and looked perfect for Bikini/figure I wasn't lean enough.  I am about 13-15% body fat, and I need to lower than another 5% or more.

I felt so intimidated by the girls there.  The only advantage i had was none had a butt, the rest of them had the abs and tight leg muscles.  I also learned you want a low score and not a high score for judging.

SO what to do?  I need to change up and focus more on my diet, and focus more on my lifting.  Lifting heavier and new exercises to challenge my body more.  My upper body exercises are on point and my ab work, it's my legs.  I got some new exercises the week of my competition so i'm going to add those into my routine.  I'm doing a jumpstart with my eating plan andhave carbs in the morning with meals 1, 2 or 3 but none after that.  Chicken, fish, lean meat and broccoli, kale, sweet potatoes and green beans are my friends for the other meals.

I got a rough start with them this week.  I'm flying out to Denver to watch the Broncos play Wednesday so it's throwing off my workout schedule and eating.  I may just have to do the best i can and start fresh Sunday.

i am packing workout clothes and my running shoes.  There are plenty of great trails so i think it's a good place to keep up with my cardio.

Cardio i love and hate you, but i signed up for races every month till March so i'll have to run even in the winter and still do my classes at Golds during the week.  it's the key to helping lean me up.  I need to do it, i want to do a show in Baltimore next year.... I need to be ready.  I need to place higher than 12th in group.  I want to be in the top 5 definitely the top ten.

Now i have a goal now that i know what to look for and do.  This show really focused my goals for the rest of the year and into 2015.  So much i'm doing my first Ultra a 35k in Jan... yes... I have lost my mind.  But imagine how many calories will be burned as i train for that.

So my list of races are as follows.  I'm being responsible budget wise and doing inexpensive races till next year and my budget frees up some.

Nov 15th- HCA VA 8k

Nov 27th Turkey Trot 10k

Dec 7th- Bear Creek 10 miler

1-10-2015- Willis Creek 35K

Feb 22- Love Rox 10k and wine festival :0)

March 21-22-  Shamrock Dolphin Challenge aka 8k and Half marathon

The Monument Ave 10k will be in there as well once i know the date and a once April starts i'll plot out my spring races.

Leaner for 2015!!


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