Almost on track
So i'm almost on track financially. Just one more paycheck away from getting back on a payment schedule with everything that will have me Debt free by summer of next year. i guess i should be pleased. But i'm not. I want to do some many things and because of some really bad financial choices i have to wait and i have to hope that i can make it out with my credit still awesome and in tact.
- lessons to be learned:
- Sometimes you don't need what you think you need.
- It will be there in 6 months and cheaper.
- really its ok to wait
- credit cards are for emergencies only.
and i need to make my bayonetta guns by then
i would love to win money this time for my costume but i may not and that's ok
Black Friday will be uneventful for me. All i want is a microwave, and towels.
I need to get busy selling on my Mary Kay for the winter season and i need to make a decision on selling my second Xbox. It's all in prep of me getting a new system in 2015 but i don't need two Xboxs, i don't have rockband parties like i used to. I don't invite people over anymore. i've moved on from that need to socialize it seems.
I must be getting old, or my priorities are finally starting to get in the right place. Who knows. I do know that without the extra debt next year i'll be able to do whatever i want to do and really fully enjoy things i want. of course, i need to get things rolled over in 401ks and stuff and be an old money worry wart first.
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