Pr'd again and the beginning of summer runs

SO I ran the 12k on memorial day again barely ran any other time.  Again i Pr'd.  I sweated like a hog, burned a bunch of calories and decided that if i get my running program on track I will be more than ready for a 2 hour 10 min half marathon in Sept for the Rock n Roll. And a 2 hour half in November.

I also lost weight over the weekend, rediscovered my love of pre-medicating before strenuous activity.  I also finished watching Bloodlines and a few other netflix shows.  All in all my four day weekend was productive and i am trying to figure out my next step. I need to keep changing up my routines so my body won't get used to and plateau I also want to make sure that if i choose to do this competition in July i'll be ready.  It's an interesting dilemma and with June here, i have 6 -8 weeks left before the july competition to make my final decision and register


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