being nice = broken toes

SO!  8 weeks out start of two a days this week.  thankfully that is simple since i'm already at the gym twice a day most days sooooooooooooooo bam.  Starting the week 10 lbs away from competition goal weight and first show August 20

Of course all these could be screwed since i planned to run alot more to help with my half marathon times.  Why?  Well i think i broke my pinky toe being nice.  Huh?  Well you see I hadn't been out with my boy the Boxer for a while.  He invited me to the river and again i fell in.  This time i did so and apparently twisted/broke my pinky toe in the process.  You don't realize what that toe actually does for you till it is hurt man.  I have been going light and resting my toe my knee also acted up so i was strict on diet and light on working out last week.  It helped my knee tremendously, my toe... that's another story.  It's still sore.  I had it buddy taped.  I untaped it today and went and lifted.  I'm gonna test it tomorrow and Run my usual route if it's not raining.  I have body attack tonight.  it feels better untaped but it still hurts to put pressure on.  either way the show must go on.  I will tape it at night and let it fly free during the day. wearing bigger rounder shoes so it's not rubbing.  I have a race July 4th and was gonna sign up to do a virtual run with the Rock n Roll half.  I need to get back into my run routine and still care for this foot so it doesn't get worse.  I have top five to get and things to do.

Why did i have to be nice?


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