I forgot which week, prep update

SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO  I'm back from vacation.  Finally dropped all the water weight from the amount of sodium in the food on the ship.  Relaxed, went over budget, and just finished leg day today.

so far so good this week on my meal prep and eating what i brought.  i'm going through sugar withdrawal again.  I allowed myself sugar and all the treats i wanted while on Cruise.  they had a gym on the ship and after day one, no one was in it so i was fine with it.  the Jogging Track was lovely and a nice breeze most days.  Just now i'm craving the weirdest combos of food and it's mostly cause... I want sugar.  It will die down next week.

This year is gonna be really different for me.  I picked up a class on Saturdays, so I have to find coverage for it when I want to vanish out for runs.  this means i'm not Coaching 10k or 8k this year.  I'm also limiting my races too.  Trying to decide if i'm gonna do the Shamrock Half marathon or the Monument Ave 10k.  The way my wallet is set up though, i may end up nixing the Shamrock.  It would be the first time I haven't run it in 3 years, but i have three half marathons and about 4 shows I'm doing this year.  Plus this year I qualify for a seeded position at the Monument Ave 10k  So i'm kinda hype about that. and if i don't go to shamrock, i can go up and see Valerie in her first show of the year.

I officially have 10 lbs to lose before my competition April 29th.  I can do this.  It's a workable number.  Last year I had so much weight to lose to get down to competition weight so i had to wait till August and still wasn't where I needed to be.  But I gained a buddy (Valerie) who helped encourage me as we went through the progress and i won Weapons.  I mean I don't see how people do this sport without some kind of support.  I also see why coaches and prep teams make such bank with these competitors.  Without Valerie to pump me up, and me with her, we would be lost out here in this sea of information and varying opinions.  We talk about cravings, our posing routines, all the fun things.
Is this what a workout buddy is like?  I don't know never had one of those either.  But having a competition buddy is Vital.

Also this year, i'm investing in a Posing coach!  Yes, i'm spending money on someone to help me with my routine and over all stage presence.  This year i'm gonna nail my posing.  I am gonna be in the best shape of my competition career and nail my posing.  I am also working on my flexibility so i can nail my fitness routine too. I wonder if i can get a coach for that?  where is True Life i want to be a fitness competitor when you need it?

So in review, year is starting off Great, America has an Orange president,  I have a posing coach, I'm not run coaching, and i'm planning to drop my half marathon time to 2hrs or less and i plan to place in Novice, open and masters Bikini this year and do my first Fitness competition.  Let's do this!


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