week one of two in the great 5lb drop adventure ALSO Personal Announcement

So i'm about half way through week one of the drop 5 lb adventure.  I'm down 2.2 pounds.  Welp

That is good.... i only have .3 more lbs to go to make my 2.5 lb goal for the week.  means what i'm doing is working also probably explains my tiredness right now too.  I'm taking BCAAs and glutamine to help with muscle soreness but i have been going hard at the gym.  Between Cardio and weights.  I want to bring the best package and I know i can do it if i push myself a little harder.
I just don't want to push myself too hard and hurt myself.  So i'll rest Sunday, play video games put my feet up... after a short run.  Trying to get my Sunday run back on track.  The Monument ave 10k showed me that all the things I do helped keep me in condition and dropping my times consistently.  Now if I just run regularly, I'll drop my times even more.

This all ties in with my personal Announcement.

I have a new job!

After my boss decided to not tell me till i asked for time off that i'd continue working my current hectic schedule till numbers went up *side eye* once my coworker decided to stay home with her kids, i decided to put myself out there.  I had been with my current company for 6.5 years and cause of company money issues hadn't gotten a raise for 4 of them.  Being at the top of my career field in the company, raises were my only incentive to stay aside from schedule flexibility.  Once my schedule flexibility was taken away, I had no more incentives.  After seeing they were not gonna give me a raise i started sending out resumes.  Some rejected me instantly and i realized its cause I had too much experience and they didn't want to pay someone what i would cost them. I then realized that i was gonna have to look into supervisor, manager positions.  I thought long and hard, looked at my student loans to obtain my advanced degrees so i could qualify for supervisor/manager positions and said, GIRL if you don't use your education you're still paying for!
At 39 years old i have 18  years of Lab experience, I should have been a supervisor years ago, but now is my chance.

So starting May 1st, i'm officially the new Asst Lab Supervisor on Night shift at Southside Regional hospital.  It's a great opportunity to work myself into Lab supervisor experience without just getting plopped in there and told to figure it out.  It's gonna be an adjustment for a few months with training on day shift then the shift to nights, being in a hospital again, not taking random computer breaks to update my blog :0)  but it's the change i needed to not be complacent.  Also i am finally getting paid what i'm worth.  I almost change tax brackets... which is great!  I always had a certain number in my head of what i would need to make to feel financially stable and i'm now making it.  I feel freed already and i haven't even started.  I'm nervous, anxious, excited and a little sad i couldn't make this money in my current position.  I'm also a little sad they didn't even try to counteroffer.  I guess they knew they wouldn't be able to match whatever i was making plus they could get a cheaper more complacent person in here who wouldn't question the system.  My gain, their loss.  I hope to stay with Southside along time like the night lab supervisor i'm under.  she's been there 27 years and is up for retirement :0)  yes i'm plotting on her job lol  So it's a matter of getting in there, doing the job i know i can do and being Damaciaj while doing it.

I also get to wear scrubs again and bought a pair of Danskos via pay after delivery so i can budget out the money. Please tell me why Danskos are so dang expensive?  Well I'm gonna buy one more pair later on cause I'll be able to afford things like Danskos when I want them come May :0) and a second google home cause... i wants it and the philips hue lights for all my rooms.  cause... i wants it.
Then i'll start paying off debt.  My debt free by 2018 plan will pretty much come to fruition now, and i'm extremely pleased about it.  As long as i don't go hog wild stay on budget for a few more months, i'll be debt free by December and enough disposable income to finally get my motorcycle/Scooter i want as my second vehicle.

But first 3 more lbs


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