obsessed with my thighs

SO.... I'm obsessed with my Thighs.  I see pictures of the competitors at the top of my sport and i wonder, did they have issues with their thighs?  Every person has a problem area mine are my thighs.  i want them to look defined and epic, to me they just look big.  So i implemented a program of my own with kettle bell swings and deadlifts daily.  I think it's working... I'll let you be the judge.  I take pictures of myself and i dont' see the difference, but i feel the difference as i put on my pants and not have to do a shimmy to get in them.  I guess when they are the way i want them to be... I will know what my ideal is. Till then i'll continue to obsess.
beginning of the process

first check in

This morning, trying to figure out what side to pose on.

PS which side should i pose to?  I like to my right


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