I forgot to update you all on my broke tail toes.  Well KT Tape is magic.  So magic I almost ran a race on Fourth of July.  Despite it all i told myself NO, and i didn't race.  So just so you know i will be doing a Virtual race with the Rock n Roll Half Marathon though it's 5ks but i'll get medals for it.  You know i only run for the Bling and free t-shirts and swag.

I will post the info below.  But i need to get my times down in time for the Rock n Roll in VA Beach.  I want to run Richmond in 2 hours 10 mins i want to get close to that in Sept.

Back to my toes.  I let them breathe sans tape Sunday and Monday and they are taped back up for the week.  But it's not hurting nearly as much and not bruised so its just a matter of not re injuring and banging it anywhere else and definitely no river till then.  I was worried this would mess with my plans cause with my two a days happening i would be in some immense pain and in danger of really onerously injuring myself.  I know me i wouldn't stop till i was in a boot and i can't wear a boot on stage in August.

Gonna start practicing my posing routine though.  That's gonna be interesting to say the least.  New front pose and i have to learn the best way to transition

Sign up and do the virtual run with me :

Virtual run for the Rock n Roll


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