back on the plan

So after a few weeks of freedom i'm back on the plan.
Two things forced it:

  1. Half marathon is this weekend.  I do not need any issues
  2. I'm having stomach issues 
So yeah back to my clean eating.  I also want to drop my body fat i need to and lbs for the new season, try and maintain them before i start the next bikini season.

It's kinda weird that my body got used to clean eating with occasional cheats.  i'd been dreaming of these months of complete reckless abandon for months and when i got it my body rebelled and was like NAWL, i want broccoli and sweet potatoes again.

So that's what it gets, broccoli and sweet potatoes and chicken and beef and let it be happy again.

I am not gonna be that person who wrecks the porta potty on the course.  I also really don't wanna have to stop to pee this time either, that sets my times back.  I have goals. Under 2hrs 20 mins.  Supreme goal is 2 hrs and 15 mins.  But i'm realistic, this course has more hills than the rock n roll in va beach.

I took off Friday to help me hydrate and get my mind ready, also so i can clean out my closet and switch over my clothes to cold weather clothes, pull out my bag for the cruise and start sorting out the clothes i want to take for that and the ones i want to pack away.

plus i need to use my PTO and not lose it.

starting my new workouts this week and i'll have a 1300 calorie burn on Saturday to top it all off.

start of the off season, improvement season has begun.  I hope to be pretty much where i want to be for the year by Jan and have a great competition year as well as a good Cruise vacation.  it's gonna be interesting these next few months.  I'll take pictures tonight of where i am currently so i can see the changes in Jan.


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