KT Tape is magic

So after a day or so with my toes buddy taped i was like there must be a better way.  so i experimented with KT tape. KT Tape is Magic.  It still hurts but not nearly as much as with my toes buddy taped.  The way i have it taped spreads more of the support along the foot.

I thought i was gonna die during Body attack last night with my toes buddy taped.  I got home cut that thing off showered iced and put on KT Tape.  This morning I went to the gym lifted and ran for ten mins.  I didn't wanna push it.  I could have ran longer, it didn't hurt and my gait was normal.  I'm gonna gradually work my way up to 40 mins  which at my current speeds should be about 4 miles  but i think I have my problem almost resolved.

Now I just need to re-up my supply of KT tape.  #Top5in2016


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