When the choices you make give you a sense of validation

Makes you feel so much better about yourself and what you've been doing.

When i started my journey into figure comps and running and cosplay i didn't think it would get to this point as I've watched myself develop and i read over all the things i need to do for the competition oct 11th i realize it's all achievable.  As i work more and develop more others see what i can do and reward it.

So I'd like to announce that i was selected as one of 25 RVA Warriors.  This is special because these 25 people are trained by the state to be group exercise instructors and have all their training paid for. I was selected from my past roller derby training skills and current lifting and running training i'm doing in prep for my figure comp.  It's kinda crazy that i was selected and once i see the other candidates i will see if it's cause i'm awesome or if it's just cause i'm a fit looking black woman.  Either way being able to train, and test for free and get my certification as a group exercise instructor.  Validation.

What would i do and be after derby?  Everything i wanted and more :0D


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