After a cardio week that has helped me see gains and slimmed me out a little in my lower half, i have gone back to lifting.  It felt really good, even though i didn't go to my usual gym. Today after reading my fitness mag and half of my muscle and fitness, i decided to incorporate two things into my work out that would help me out in getting my gains a little quicker.  i did a drop set, pyramid and a superset.

A pyramid is when you force your muscles to adapt to different weights for each set.  so i did my arm exercises with two sets of weights a 15 and a 20 which is technically a drop set.  a drop set is when you do your reps with the weight your up to for me 20 then you drop the weight by 25%.  I dropped it to 15 cause 10 would have been way too light for me then you drop the weight again.  i only did two drops and a pyramid with my arm exercises then I supersetted them so i could get my entire workout in in the 35 mins i allotted.  Supersets are pairing two exercises, so after i did shoulder presses i went into tricep curls then rested.

It was really helpful to get my workout done and i could feel my workout getting fresh with the new moves and pushing my muscles to keep going when they were tired from the previous exercise.  I needed to have hydrated more but i'll be back on my usual hydration routine today.  Traveling around this weekend and not wanting to have to know where the latest bathroom was wasn't what i needed.

Though i need to get something to spice up my runs next  THAT would help tremendously.  I'm thinking of adding in some HITT or burpees or something to break up the monotony while i do practice runs.  I have another 10k Sunday i won't see the gains i don't think there unless i can get some KT tape.  I'm thinking i'll have to start  taping my left knee again till it can get itself back in control.  It just needs to be stabilized till me and my doc can get it to stay stable.  He knows telling me not to run... isn't an option.

I need to do measurements this week and see what happens with them over the next month.  October 11th is my competition.... I will be ready


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