oops sorry calories... sorry body

So i decided that yesterday was a cheat day.  I'd gone to the gym in the morning, had a great arm workout.
I ate on point with calories and had been all week.
So i got a little Ceasars pizza pepperoni of course with the thought that i'd eat maybe 3 pieces and save the rest for lunch the next two days.  YEAH NO

As i greedily downed piece number 6 and my body was telling me that it was still hungry i had to reassess what i'd been eating.  While i have felt full i haven't really cleared more than 1500 calories a day between my shakes, clean eating snack choices(fruit) and dinner choices.  I had been noticing this last week at the gym that when i do shoulder presses i'm gassing out sooner than i should as well.  I was about to level up to 25lb weights and I've had to revise that plan back to staying at 20 another week.

In an attempt to slim down my hips and thighs some and easy some of this belly fat (i know it's in my head) i have followed a plan that was too slimming i think and not providing me enough of the calories i needed to be productive and build muscle.  i have adequate proteins for building just not enough calories to fuel the machine.  Time to up my caloric intake this week so i don't have to scarf down my next cheat meal pizza to feel full.


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