Could my body be getting used to the 90% clean diet

SO Sunday i was horrible i was over my  calories and didn't care it all tasted so good and i was so under calories on saturday My body didn't care.  HOWEVER!  It came back to rear it's ugly head at 1 am this morning.  My stomach was distended and uncomfortable and (TMI) i was farting WAYYY too much and giving that tell tale sign of almost ready to throw up.  Why?  Cause i'd had a spicy nugget combo, bruschetta chicken pasta and a salted caramel cake that day  and wayyy too much soda.

Lesson learned and back on my regular 90% clean diet with my night soda only.  An night of uncomfortableness, followed by a day of getting it all out of my system with some serious detox  will be necessary and will teach me a lesson.  My body is used to the clean eating diet and even if you think you can you can't have more than one cheat meal a week and definitely not two in the same day.  I guess this is good considering it leads to my goal of good eating this month BUT man it hurt.  What a lesson to learn.  This week plans to be busy but at least i'll be able to rest this weekend unlike this past weekend.

Now to drink this doctored water and whimper some more.  I have lifting this evening, cause i was too dehydrated this morning from the bathroom trips in the night.  I can't have a weak day at the gym to cap off a horrible night of sleep... i just can't.


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