leg day! Deadlifts! Pinterest!

So today was leg day and despite trying real hard the last few leg days my legs obviously were used to it and trying to plateau and not hurt.  So this morning, on limited time I supersetted 4 sets of Dead lifts, 4 sets of weighted squats, 4 sets of weighted wide stance squats, leg press with my max weight 4 sets, and weighted calf raises before heading in for a shower.  When i got out of the car to go to work i was like crap, let me make sure i don't have to go back to the car later and get everything i need now.  My legs were good and sore for the first time in a long time.  I think adding back in Deadlifts and adding the wide stance squats did me in.  Which is GREAT! I was beginning to worry i'd lose the progress i had made on my legs.  I need my legs to come together and get with the program.  I need them to lean out and define.  I will be throwing in some new arms exercises into my routine as well.  Making sure i throw in some new exercises and sub out some old ones is going to be what makes me have some serious gains.

Starting on Monday, cause i need to go to the grocery, I will be at 95% clean eating (moving up from 90% cause I have some good wheat pasta recipes and still love my soda and occasional pizza) and making some mason jar pasta salads for lunch and some of those dang mason jar fridge oatmeals.  I need more variation in my lunch choices and if i can put something in a jar and just freakin pull it out later? HECK YES!  the george foreman grill is a god send since i'm not turning on my AC and I don't have to turn on the oven aka heat monster.  Plus it cooks everything really well and quickly.  Just made Salmon in it yesterday...really great.  Nice and tender too.  So i'll try the pasta salad mason Jars and the fridge oatmeals to vary up my lunches and breakfasts and see what happens with my abs.  My Abs, they are finally appearing!  my obliques have come in, and the top part of my six pack is nice and visible these days, my lines are starting to separate.  I will be successful with a six and not a five pack this time.  Abs are made in the kitchen, as is the rest of my body.  Buckling down and getting more creative in the kitchen with my foods instead of the same old same old will be necessary.  Glad I cleaned out the fridge for some room.  Making my own pasta will be my next big fun cooking step.  it's not like i don't have a breadmaker to mix dough.

I got the mason jar pasta salad and oatmeal thing from pinterest.  If you follow me on pinterest a lot of the stuff i'm making for myself and will be making for myself, alot of the exercises i'm doing and tips i'm following are there in the workout and diet stuff i don't really diet  board on my Pinterest.  I need to start back with my Whats beautiful challenges again.  I think it will help with my goal setting for my running and for my figure competition. I need to sell some mary kay or just wait till after Europe and I have a credit card I can use again to get my License for doing shows and for getting my suits.  I also have decided that I really really want to become a certified personal trainer and that I will need to go ahead and just do the classes for it. So i'm working on figuring out the route I want to take with that as well.  This year of training, and working on my body has shown me what i can do.  Of course my gains are small but noticeable as I change the way i do things, workout, eat and just live in general.  Starting this journey at the end of my Derby journey was the right thing to do, I could never have done all this and skated as well.  This is a life changing journey going into the fitness/figure competition world and I am enjoying every minute of it.

If you see me running along the street at some point honk and wave.  I'll need it


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