halfs and Body Flow

Two things half marathons and Body flow.

Body flow is a mixture of yoga, pilates and tai chi

it also reminds me that i'm uncoordinated and inflexible.  I'm hoping that this changes as i attend body flow twice a week.  It also shows me that all the progress I thought i made with my knee is about half of what i thought. every balance pose when people around me are able to reach back and grab there leg behind there bodies and i can barely bend my knee back there lets me know that i have a long way in my recovery. While it's better and I can run and lift, I can't do all the lateral movements and I have lost flexibility.  This is a problem for me.  No matter how athletic I can continue to be with lifting, running and doing obstacle races and fitness competitions I won't be where I once was and not because of age but by some misguided love of team that prevented me from stopping and really recovering from my injury.


These will be my new bench marks of increased fitness for me.  As i do more halfs and 10ks i want to see my times continually drop.  My 10k in feb showed me that despite the bad weather i was pretty much in the shape i started with with my last half marathon in Nov. This half i'd like to see my time around 2 hours and 30 mins. Realistically i think it will be closer to 2 hours and 45 mins... BUT it's my goal time.  If i miss it then my next half, my goal will be 2 hours and 30 till i reach it then i'll drop it another 15 mins.  It's my goal to have a 2 hour half marathon time by the Richmond Half Marathon in Nov again.  That would have knocked 45 mins off my time from the last one and would then set the bar for me to drop it even more for 2015.

I like winning medals, i want to start winning in my age group now


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