
i know Bonus Two in one day!

So this weekend i'm gonna be home which means i need to cook.  Of course the foreman grills will get a work out but all the other fun stuff.

SO on the menu  Tacos, peach cobbler and Fresh Salsa

WHAT>! what happened to your clean eating damacia?!  YOUR GAINS?!

Calm yourself.  I have Whole Wheat tortillas  and Whole Wheat Bisquick!  WOOT!

My tacos are my ever tasty Ground Sirloin and Sweet Potato mix and the fresh salsa is just that, fresh ground up salsa.

What about the peach Cobbler?  Stevia to the rescue and a whole slew of Fresh Peaches from Relay foods.  Whole wheat Bisquick.  What else?  Yes i have this clean eating and with style thing almost down.  i am only at 95%

If they turn out pretty then i'll make sure to show off pictures cause FOOD that's why :0)


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